Book Cover Illustration

The books covers are inspired in one of my favorite actress, Audrey Hepburn. I chose three movies in which she was the main character and that were Oscar’s® nominees or winners. The target audience are women that are interested in fashion design and women that are attracted by the iconic clothing and accessories pieces created by famous designers to be used exclusively by Audrey Hepburn in her movies.

The illustration style is inspired in remarkable fashion croquis, fruit of the minds of these acclaimed designers, that became icons in the fashion and in the movies industry. 

The title’s typography is Didot, a well known serif font that represents elegancy, fashion and feminism. The content’s typography, on the other hand, is Helvetica, used for its sleek lines and modern sensibilities which contrast well with Didot.

The colours chosen were the Tiffany’s blue, for Breakfast at Tiffany’s; a grey tone for the black-and-white movie Rome Holiday; and a violet colour symbolizing the finesse that Audrey Hepburn’s character achieves throughout the story of My Fair Lady.

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